
Automatic Billing

More then 25 years of experience


Q & A

Do you have contracts?

No, we believe that if we provide the lowest cost and best service then we don’t need to force you into a contract.

Can you switch us from our current provider to save money?

Yes, we can reuse most equipment from the previous alarm company and switch it to Fayette Security at little or no cost.

Why use Fayette Security over national Brands?

We are local and provide personal, professional service. We are family owned and can keep our costs lower. Some national brands charge $55 or more for the same service we can provide for $30 less per month. Some do it yourself alarm.systems you can order online are made for beginners…meaning they are lower grade and not meant to last. Our company uses commercial grade and high-quality equipment.

Do you offer services outside of Fayette County?

Yes, we travel almost anywhere in the metro Atlanta area.

Do I need a phone line or internet service to have monitoring?

 No, your alarm can send signals via cell signal to the monitoring station. This can allow you to even get rid of your costly phone bill each month.

Can I save money through my insurance company by having Fayette Security monitor our home?

Yes, insurance companies often give discounts for having your home monitored by Fayette Security.


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